Dear Counselor,

As a Community Counselor for Au Pair in America (APIA), you are the “face” of our program – the most important contact not only for your host families and au pairs but also for your community.

APIA has been providing cultural childcare services for more than 35 years and is known throughout our industry as a leader in customer support and service. That reputation along with your community outreach and marketing efforts work together to help you grow your cluster.

This Marketing Manual is designed to help you plan and execute your marketing strategy. This guide supports your efforts through a “scaffolded” marketing approach. Each section builds upon the previous “tier” to allow you to create a marketing plan with a foundation in customer service, while also allowing you flexibility to choose marketing activities that work for you.

Tier 1

Customer Service and Referrals

Read More

Tier 2

Lead Management

Read More


Digital Marketing

Read More

Tier 4

Community Opportunities

Read More

Tier 5

All the Rest

Read More

This Manual lets you tackle marketing at your own pace on your timeline according to your goals, with lots of APIA support along the way! Are you new to APIA? Start by tackling the basics of Customer Service and Lead Management. Already have a great system for customer support and leads? Time to up your Digital Marketing know-how! Are you a goal-oriented counselor already at the top of your marketing game? Check out Communiity Opportunities and All the Rest to see what’s new in the marketing arena.

Not every tool in this Manual works for every counselor. That’s okay! Choose what works for you in your community. As always, we encourage you to share your own successful marketing methods and any new ideas you may have. Please contact with your success stories or ideas – we learn from each other.

On your mark, get set, and go! Engage your community in the spirit of cultural exchange with the APIA Marketing Manual!

About This Manual

Throughout this manual, you will see “call outs” that summarize key points and help you prioritize your marketing efforts…

“If you do one thing…” – this is our top suggestion for a category, based on outcomes and counselor feedback.

“Pro Tip…” – these are tips and tricks for success, shared by your colleagues

“In a nutshell…” – this is the “bottom line” for a section