Digital Marketing

Today’s parents use the web for research, recommendations, and connections. It’s vital that a community counselor has an online presence to reach local families who are looking for a child care solution. Read on for tips for digital marketing, including social media, generating great online content, and virtual parent groups.

Social Media

Social media is an umbrella term that describes various activities that integrate technology and social interaction. Top social media platforms are always evolving, but some examples include Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Community Counselors can use social media in a variety of ways, including communication and marketing. Counselors also play a crucial role in helping APIA collect and share meaningful social media content from the field.

Our Social Media Goals

  • To create an online presence and promote the APIA brand.
  • To connect with prospective host families.
  • To share information and communicate with our current au pairs and host families.
  • To generate positive word of mouth and retain host families.
  • To position APIA as a thought leader on child care and parenting topics.
  • To advocate for the J-1 visa program and cultural exchange as a whole.

US vs. UK

You may have noticed that we have multiple APIA accounts on each social media platform, representing both the US and UK offices — this is by design! Because we have different audiences — the UK’s audience is prospective and current au pairs, and the US’s audience is prospective and current host families — we segment our channels so custom content is served to those audiences.

That being said, we still work together — but how? We both represent the Au Pair in America experience to our customers, just two faces of the same coin, so we need to make sure our marketing plans align. For example, Pride Month — How is APIA as a whole showing how we celebrate? Is there content we can both share for this? We’ve got each other’s backs! We have different target demographics, but both represent one entity, so we need to ensure we’re on the same page with our values and certain campaigns.

Looking for even more social media resources?

Check out our APIA CC Social Media Toolkit

Where to Find and Follow Au Pair in America on Social Media 

PlatformAu Pair in America - UK Office
Au Pair Audience
Au Pair in America - US Office
Host Family Audience
TikTok@aupairinamericaN/A (yet!)

How Can Counselors Use Social Media?

Community Counselors use social media in a variety of ways. Your strategy, content, and approach will vary, depending on the platform, audience, and goal.


  • Counselors may communicate with au pairs and host families via private social media groups, using platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp.
  • Counselors may communicate individually with au pairs and host families through direct messaging on social media platforms.

*Please note: While counselors may create private groups for their clusters and/or create a separate personal/individual account for APIA use, they should not create public business pages on social media platforms.

Pro Tip!

Don’t reinvent the wheel! Counselors who are interested in sharing APIA info on social media can make use of our many social media platforms, APIA’s Kid Notes Blog, and CC Toolkit. The wording is approved, the images are high quality, and the topics are current. Share away!


Counselors and staff are encouraged to engage with APIA’s US social media accounts (see chart below, and follow APIA on your preferred social media platforms). This engagement could include “liking”, commenting on, and sharing APIA content. Our ultimate goal is to drive traffic to APIA national social media accounts, and then on to our website.

Collecting Meaningful Stories

APIA regularly shares stories, photos, and videos from our host families and au pairs, and we need YOU to help gather this meaningful content. By encouraging and collecting these stories, you help highlight the benefits of the APIA program and give recognition to your cluster members.

Added bonus…APIA offers a social media incentive to counselors who contribute HF content.

Content that makes your Social Media Team sing:

  • Host family and au pair shared experiences (travel, sports, volunteering)
  • Au pairs positively impacting their host children
  • Cultural exchange moments between HF and AP
  • AP/host kids cooking together
  • Holidays/Celebrations as a family
  • Language learning
  • Au pair airport arrivals
  • Reunions – HFs meeting up with former APs
  • Testimonials from host parents and children
  • Anything involving AP and host kids/family that makes you say “Awwww!”

Pro Tip!

Good news! You do not need to be a social media expert to participate. All you need is an eye for cultural exchange happening in your cluster.

I have a meaningful story, now what?

  1. Email
  2. Host parents or kids in the photo? Ask your host family to:  sign an e-waiver .

*please note, au pairs sign a photo release at the time of their application, so waivers are not required for au pairs featured in your photos.

  1. Once we receive the waiver, we’ll follow up with you, if needed, to get additional info. (AP home country, state of residence, etc)
  2. Collect your social media incentive – way to go!

It’s that simple! Once you share the content with us, our Social Media Team will review your stories and publish them throughout the year on our social media accounts, which you can share on your own.

Online Groups for Local Parents

One of the best ways for counselors to reach parents in their community is by participating in virtual groups. These can be Facebook Groups, hyper-local organizations like Next Door, listservs, or any other place local families gather online.

Tips to find, join and make the most of online parenting groups in your area: 

  • Ask current host families which groups they recommend
  • Mom Blogs – these online publishers can be a great resource for sharing, finding parents who need child care, and other co-marketing opportunities
  • Check for quality – does the group have recent posts? A good number of members?
  • Ask to join
  • On Facebook– search [town name] + terms like parents, moms, nannies, babysitters, etc 
  • Post and Participate
    • Check for posts related to child care and reply where appropriate – you can reply publicly and/or say something like…”Sending you a PM!” (PM (private message) Template in Marketing Doc Library – Lead and Email Templates)
    • Post APIA info and events as appropriate – EX: 1) offer to donate an APIA auction basket to local schools, sports teams, and charities. 2) invite members to your HF Day or other marketing events you’re attending
    • Be a good group member – reply to posts not related to child care as well. Participate in discussions where you can, share relevant info that might be of interest to community members, and watch as other group members refer and recommend you and APIA!
  • Be Smart, Be Safe
    • Protect yourself and your APs – never share AP or HF contact info online or in groups. General info about the APIA program is great, specific information (including photos of APs) is not.
    • Follow the rules – most online groups have gotten wise to the fact that folks want to market to them, so they may put rules into place. No marketing posts at all!! Only marketing posts on Monday (great! Be ready with your great APIA post every Monday!). Some groups are a little looser and have fewer rules. Whatever the rules are – read them. If there aren’t rules, or you can’t quite figure out what is and isn’t allowed – read the room. Check out previous posts, and wait a week or two to see what posts are ok, and what gets a negative response, or even removed.
    • “Deputize” your connections – if there’s a private online group you’re unable to join – they only allow residents of a certain neighborhood, or membership is limited to lawyers who are moms – ask a friend or host family to join and keep an eye out for potential leads.
    • Not sure what to postUse your resources – APIA Situational graphics, blog posts, and social media content are great places to start. CC Toolkit

If you only do one thing!

Identify virtual spaces where your future families spend time. Listen, engage, and become part of the conversation around finding quality child care


APIA has an official nationwide blog called Kid Notes where stories about our au pairs and host families are shared. Content that Counselors submit via the Facebook group or email could likely be showcased on the APIA Kid Notes blog. Take a few minutes to review the blog’s content. It features great info to share with potential host families.


LinkedIn is a social media platform designed for networking in the professional space. It may be known for helping job seekers, but it’s also a great place for making connections with colleagues, customers, and professionals in your field and beyond. LinkedIn users are likely to be people in our host family demographic and therefor people who may be interested in hosting au pairs or able to refer business to you. 

How can APIA CCs can use LinkedIn? 

In a Nutshell

We need your host family stories! When you’re thinking about topics that might make for good social media content, remember the US APIA social media platforms are host family facing – the audience is current and potential host families.

“Au pair and host kids” cooking together, practicing a second language with the kids, celebrating holidays – anything that might help a potential host family think, “hmmm . . . I sure would like my child to learn a little Italian or learn to make that delicious Brazilian dessert” – is what we’re looking for.