All the rest

This section covers “all the rest” – those useful marketing ideas that show results, but don’t quite fit into the previous categories. Read on for grass roots suggestions, publications for partnering, and ways to get involved with larger employers in your area.

Corporate Partnerships

Au Pair in America currently partners with over 100 companies, organizations, and universities nationwide to offer their employees a 5% (approximately $500) discount off our program fee. This program is a “win/win” for APIA and these partner companies.  In addition to increasing exposure for our agency, an APIA partnership gives working parents a flexible child care option, leading to improved work/life balance, while helping employers maintain a productive work environment and have a more attractive benefits package for their employees.

How do organizations promote their partnerships with APIA? A few examples:

  • Include APIA info in onboarding and new hire info
  • Promote the APIA discount through their company’s online intranet
  • Invite an APIA representative to host a booth at an employee benefits fair
  • Host a “lunch and learn” or similar presentation (live or Zoom) on topics in child care or similar, featuring APIA as a presenter/panelist

Corporate partnerships are a great way to help grow your cluster.

How can you can help connect us to companies in your area?

  • Review the list of current partners, so you’re familiar with eligible organizations in your area
  • Ask leads, TBMs, and existing host families if they would be willing to refer us to the HR or benefits contact within their company. Remember, a potential discount benefits them, so don’t be afraid to ask!
  • If you have a host parent who works for a current corporate partner, encourage them to recommend Au Pair in America to their colleagues.  The current host family earns a referral credit, and the new family earns the corporate discount – win/win!
  • APIA is happy to research new corporate partners. It’s always easier to start a conversation when we have a connection, so if you or your host families have a name and contact number for an HR/Benefits person at a desirable company, please send to Robin Leon (

Third party Brokers

Some companies may not have a one-on-one discount with APIA, but their employees are still eligible for a corporate discount through vendors called third party brokers. These brokers are benefits aggregators who gather a package of benefits and discounts (including, for example, a program fee discount from APIA), and then offer that benefit to their member companies. So, while Southwest Airlines, for example, doesn’t have a one-on-one partnership with APIA, they do have a partnership with a third party broker called Perks Spot, who, in turn, has a partnership with APIA, so Southwest Airlines employees are entitled to our 5% program fee discount.

Unfortunately, these third-party companies don’t typically share their member lists with us, so while we know we have a discount through, for example, Benefit Hub, we don’t know who all of Benefit Hub’s members are. Best practice for counselors – if a host family mentions that they believe they are eligible for a corporate discount through their employer, encourage them to speak with their HR/Benefits team to confirm and obtain the appropriate promo code.

*Families can access their discount by providing their company’s or broker’s unique promo code upon application.

*For a current list of APIA Corporate Partners, 3rd party brokers, and promo codes, please visit the Field Point Document Library (Field Point > Document Library > Marketing > “Corporate Partner List with Promo Codes”).

PR Incentives

Receive money for getting stories published! Remember, in order to be eligible for a PR incentive, Au Pair in America must be mentioned by name in the article, posting, caption, etc. Reference the PR Incentives and Discounts documents for details.

Global Awareness

APIA’s Global Awareness (GA) program promotes multi-cultural understanding and appreciation between Au Pair in America program participants and the communities in which they live. The GA program highlights the cross-cultural aspect of the exchange experience through contests, storytelling, and community visits.  In addition to spreading the message of cultural exchange, au pair community visits in particular, also serve as an opportunity to market the APIA program in a soft, organic way.

Au pairs may conduct a community visit at a local school, library, scout troop meeting, recreation center, or any other local facility where families with young children would be likely to gather. These visits can be in person or virtual, depending on audience preference.

School visits are a favorite of APIA au pairs. During these visits, au pairs can support existing curriculum or present age-appropriate materials aimed at enhancing multi-cultural knowledge. Often our au pairs present mini-language lessons during these fun and dynamic school visits.  Au pairs typically provide materials such as bookmarks, coloring sheets, and flags for attendees to enjoy and take home.

For additional information on Global Awareness, including presentation ideas, instructions/guidelines, and presentation materials order form:

Additional Marketing Resources

Field Point Document Library

The Marketing Folder in the document library includes tutorials, forms, and other resources to help you craft a robust, year-round marketing strategy.

View Document Library

Monthly "Marketing Magic" Webinars

These live webinars focus on current topics in marketing. Each short session gives counselors a refresh on important aspects of marketing, along with tactical tips that can be implemented in your cluster right away  Be on the lookout for email invite to register.

View our webinar archive

Regular Marketing Newsletters

Sent regularly throughout the month, these email newsletters spotlight counselor marketing efforts from around the US. Events, auction baskets, community sponsorships and more – these newsletters give kudos to counselors doing the marketing work, while providing ideas and inspiration for our colleagues.

View our newsletter archive

In a Nutshell

We love to share your successes! Send in summaries, photos, and success stories so we can share them with the field!